Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Week 16: Sourdough and yummy muffins

This week will be a quick post because Luca is napping and I have some cleaning to do. I decided to try one of the recipes from the Guilty Kitchen blog I found last week and it was excellent. I made the Brown butter whole wheat blueberry muffins and they were super yummy even though I forgot to add the sugar to the batter! It was not until the muffins were in the oven and I was putting stuff away that I realized I had not noticed the sugar sitting over there on the counter. The reason these muffins were still great was the little bit of crumble topping you put on them. With this added bit of delight you do not even need to sugar. I have included a link to the blog instead of rewriting it all here because of my lack of time. 

Brown butter whole wheat blueberry muffins

Blueberry and buttery goodness.

Also this week I made some sourdough. After living with the starter in our bedroom for a week it was time to see how it turned out. First I made some yummy sourdough pancakes. These had a very nice texture and just a hint of the "sour" flavour. Later that day I made some bread. The bread itself was very yummy although we could not taste the "sour" we would expect from sourdough bread. I was using a red fife flour that has a strong, distinct flavour so that might be the reason. It is curious because the starter itself had a very sour smell to it so??? I have decided that I will try it again in a month or so when it has warmed up a little and see if that helps.

Whole wheat sourdough pancakes with maple syrup.

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